May 20, 2011

Pedagogy and Teaching

Malaysia   May  16  This date was chosen because on the same day in 1956, the Federal Legislative Council of the Federation of Malaya endorsed the Razak Report, one of four reports of the Education Committee regarding education in Malaysia. The document, known as the Razak Report after Tun Abdul Razak who was Education Minister at the time, became the basis of education in Malaysia ever since. Although it is not an official school holiday, celebrations are usually held on May 16, or earlier, if it falls on a Saturday or Sunday.

Theme for Teacher’s Day 2011 (Tema Hari Guru 2011)

The theme for Hari Guru 2011 as announced early April 2011 is GURU PENJANA TRANSFORMASI PENDIDIKAN NEGARA" . This can be literally translated as “Teachers as the Force behind Transforming the Education of the Nation“ . This is a brand new theme for this year’s Hari Guru 2011 celebration . Hopefully the theme this year can spur greater efforts from teachers around Malaysia to improve the quality of education . An extra effort from every teacher will do wonders in improving the overall quality and the improvement should not only come in the form of grade . It should instead be holistic in nature .

p/s : information from HERE
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