April 20, 2012

card ATM

Hello ? nothing worries you today ?
Me lot ! but nevermind .
Every challenge in this world , have their own reason why its happen to us right ?
toughfing your mind and be strong Hasrul ! ;)

well on 20 April 2012 , i went to CIMB bank with my mom and my father . We open a bank account woot ! hahaha memang excited gila sebab first time -.-' aku tahu aku tahu korang nk bahan aku , ape aku kesah , aku ada bank account ~ hahahahahha :P

so i get one ! hahahahah (excited gila lagi -.-') hahahahaha .
ahh ya , after open the bank account , i went to taking passport size picture . so i went to take a picture at my nearby house . one word can describe , UGLY -.-'

dengan ini saya berasa sangat bangga kerana saya mempunyai card ATM CIMB bank sendiri . Hahahaha (gilalah aku , sia-sia je kena bahan -____-") apa aku kesah , janji aku gembira . Walaupun tiada duit didalamnya . Hahahaha :'(

dermalah sedikit wang kepada ku :P

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