June 25, 2011

Expression Of My Heart

"Only Learned the Bad Things"

People are looking so wipe your tears and lift your chin up
I said I’m sorry. Should I get on my knees?

What would I become if you cry at my common mistake of words
I don’t think I can comfort you with ‘I love you’ anymore

Everyday sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh
I let out a deep sigh and always reflect on my actions

Baby U U U U U
I want to do good, but I can’t

Because I only learned bad words, bad actions, and don’t know your heart
something always gets twisted twisted

Because I’m still immature, a deep love is hard
I, who thought ‘What’s love, just keep pushing forward’
was stupid

I’m sorry, I’ll do better (Better, I’ll do better Hey~ yeah)
I’m sorry, don’t be mad
I did wrong

Twinkling, twinkling a land of stars
In my eyes, you are a queen
Your charms, that I knew about
after this night was almost over
In a edge of your locked heart,
I slightly light a fire
Your sweet voice
Long, straight hair like Jasmine

Baby U U U U U
If your heart is hurting, I become torn

Baby U U U U U
You are who I really cherish

Because I only learned bad words, bad actions, and don’t know your heart
something always gets twisted twisted

Because I’m still immature, a deep love is hard
I, who thought ‘What’s love, just keep pushing forward’
was stupid

For a young person like me, the word ‘love’
is too awkward to say often

‘I’m sorry, I’ll do better’
And at most, I tell you words that obviously have no feelings

Please, oh, please
Just watch over me a bit more
At the end of my efforts and your trust, there’s only happiness

Alright, let’s stop crying now
Wipe away your tears now

Isn’t that much better
You are the prettiest prettiest when you smile, yeah

I’ll learn good words, good actions, and be like you to
become an amazing boyfriend OK

We’ll go for a long, long time. Longer than any other couple
There’s a mountain full of things that I want to
buy you, feed you. It’s the truth

Love you, I love you (I love you, I love you more Hey~ yeah)
Love you, I love you
Love you, I love you (More, oh more)
Love you, I love you


THE END June 25th 2011


Congratulations to the 'SEPAH' , which won MAHARAJALAWAK 2011 !! Sepah defeated jozan which has received the highest votes . Who would have thought a SEPAH will be the champion ?

This all presentations made ​​by SEPAH last night , i hope you enjoy .

this part 2 :

THE END June 25th 2011


Apa salah aku ? Kenapa asyik aku yang selalu , sentiasa dimarahi ? Berdosa sangatkah aku ni ? Setiap hari , setiap masa , setiap tempat , setiap situation aku dimarahi . COME ON MUM , DAD , sampai bila ingin memarahi aku ? Berlangsungnya SPM ? ataupun selesainya SPM ? 

Dorang kata , aku sentiasa melawan cakap . Okeyh , cuba mak/abah marah aku dan kalau aku diam mesti mak/abah cakap "Hah , kenapa diam ? dah tau diri tu salah ?" . Dan kalau aku melawan , mak/ayah mesti cakap "Hah , tau melawan je kan ? Apa nak jadi ni ?" . 
Aku yakin , bukan aku saja yang kena macam ni kan ? :) 
Memang aku ni tempat untuk melepaskan kemarahan ke ? Tempat untuk melepaskan stress . Aku pun manusia juga . Perlukan rehat , keseronokkan , beriadah , kegembiraan , ketenangan . Kalau mak/abah asyik mendesak suruh belajar saja , memang tidak akan masuk apa apa pun dalam kepala otak ni . SERIOUSLY .
Aku tau result aku mid year exam lepas memang tersangatlah teruk . Aku sendiri malu dengan diri aku . Tapi kita harus berani untuk gagal dan kerana kegagalan itu adalah kejayaan . Aku janji yang aku akan buat yang TER-baik semasa TRIAL SPM kelak yang bermula September 5 2011 . Aku akan buktikannya .

Untuk melakukan perubahan diri memang sukar . So , berikan aku sedikit masa . Aku tidak akan kecewakan mak/ayah ! Aku akan dapat keputusan yang cemerlang :) Berikanlah aku semangat untuk berjaya dan bukannya memarahi aku . PLEASE ~


THE END June 25th 2011

My Hitler

Mohd Radzi Bin Ishak

Badan aku , dah lali dengan dentum dentum meriam , dah kebal dengan peluru peluru berpandu dari Hitler . Target Hitler , memang selalu , aku .

Tembaklah aku , sesuka hatinya dia . Aku dah kebal . Dah tak tahu filing filing pejadah celaka lagi . Sakit , berot sekejap ah mulut aku . Perit , hanya Tuhan aku saja tahu . Kan aku dah kata , aku dah kuat .

Seorang makhluk Hebat yang baru wujud dalam dunia aku , panggil aku Lelaki Degil . Biarlah , aku lelaki dia . Aku tak kisah pun .

Persoalannya , macam mana aku boleh kena cap degil ? Ayah aku siapa ? Kalau dia Hitler , dan aku anaknya , tak mungkin sikit pun aku tak ikut perangai kalau-kepala-batu-hati-lagi-keras-macam-batu dia . Mungkin dia belum nampak , aku benar benar cap anak ayah . Ya dia belum nampak lagi tu .

He is forever my Hitler , and I'm his daughter . HAPPY FATHER'S DAY :) Nak marah , marah lah . Aku tak salah pun , marahlah . Kau kan Ayah . Nanti rindu , tak payah sibuk nak call selalu . #merajuk

Comel tak aku ? Okeyh , tu bukan aku -.- Tapi kakak aku . Aku tiada gambar yang macam ini :(

June 24, 2011

#June 12

yeah , i received a lot of wishes . THANKS YOU all !! I very appreciate that ;)
I can no other answer make . But , thanks and thanks you so much for wish my birthday ~

#click gambar untuk zoom

Sorry guy , lambat update :P busy . hahaha . Apa apa pun , thank la ;) 
You have made this birthday one of the best I have EVER had ! :D

THE END June 24th 2011



2 Petang

Singapore is very fortunate because 2PM make the MV 'HANDS UP' at there . Why not at Malaysia ? haha . 

Tapi , music lagu ni macam lagu HIGH HIGH (GD&TOP) kan ?

Dan juga seperti lagu LIKE A G6 (FAR EAST MOVEMENT) .

p/s : Ini semua dari telinga aku lah . Dan aku tidak tahu pendapat korang macam mana ;) Aku cuma cakap sahaja :D Setiap orang ada pandangan masing-masing bukan ? :)

THE END June 24th 2011

June 20, 2011

Hero in Family

"A father is a guy who has snapshots in his wallet where his money used to be ." - Unknown
"A father is a banker . Provided by nature ." - French Proverb

"My father taught me to work ; he did not teach me to love it ." - Abraham Lincoln


THE END June 20th 2011

June 17, 2011

Hands Up

Aku rasa nak menjerit la :(
Hmmmm , memang tak puas jerit kat blog ni walaupun aku dah jerit panjang . Tak seronok langsung jerit . Masih rasa terpendam lagi la . Aku nak menjerit ni ! TOLONG AKU :( Pinjamkan telinga korang tu kejap . Kejap je ~

Korang tidak buat apa apa kan ? Layan la teaser ni dulu sekejap :P "2PM - Hands Up"

THE END June 17 2011

June 16, 2011

Animal Planet

Wah , kan best kalau aku dapat kucing ni . Aku jaga kau macam anak aku :P Hahaha . Comelnya kau ni !! Kaki dah la kontot :P Muka kau aku nak je picit ! Haha .
Aku nak Bebiblu (pari pari biru) aku balik :( 
Aku nak mintak kucing ni kat Bebiblu aku tu . Lepas tu , kau boleh la pergi main jauh jauh . Aku cuma nakkan kucing ni buat sementara waktu :( Sebab lepas ni mungkin aku sentiasa bosan , rindu , tertekan :) Sorry ~

THE END June 16th 2011

June 15, 2011

Membahagiakan Ibu Bapa

Banyak bakti yang boleh dilakukan kepada ibu bapa. Bakti itu dalam bentuk material dan hubungan kasih sayang . Ini bersesuaian dengan fizikal ibu bapa yang semakin uzur dan memerlukan lebih perhatian .

Antara bakti perlu dilakukan setiap anak terhadap ibu bapa .

June 14, 2011

Jun 13


Cuti panjang yang telah tamat tempoh dan perlu menjalani kehidupan sebagai seorang pelajar sekolah menengah kembali :)

June 11, 2011


Wau , style ! Nice short story . Aku pun tak pernah terfikir idea macam ni . Aku jumpa video ni time aku tengah dengar lagu 'Peaches - New Heights' (accidentally) :) WELL DONE !


 Ya , memang susah kalau nak berlakon ;) Aku tidak menafikannya .

THE END June 11th 2011

June 10, 2011

Target +



First my word 'WAU-UOO' . This is true , right ? And one more thing , this video is 'GEMPAK' .

Okeylah tu . 2009 :)

THE END June 10th 2011

June 09, 2011


'Sorry' is one of the three golden words in the English language . In any situation , as soon as you realize your mistake , do not hesitate to apologize .

" Forgiveness does not change the past , but it does enlarge the future " - Paul Boese

Life is never a bed of roses and one has to face hard times in life . There are times when you argue with your partner and end up in a quarrel ; or you disagree with a friend or have a dispute . In either cases , you end up feeling low and wish to make up as soon as possible . The only way is to say the golden word , Sorry ! Owning up to your mistake is very important and it really takes courage to admit your mistake and apologize for your behavior .

THE END June 9th 2011

L.O.V.E Girl , L.O.V.E Boy

'Single' and 'In a relationship' are just terms . Your heart determines your status  

from HASRUL 지용
THE END June 3rd 2011

June 07, 2011

東京 Tokyo

someday , i'll come here . TOKYO CITY :)

morning-shoot :)
night-shoot :)

THE END June 7th 2011

June 06, 2011

Seek for ...

Aku akan cuba jadi sekuat Tiger , sihat macam guna Lifebuoy , semanja baby yang pakai losen Johnson's&Johnson's , seensem Jack Sparrow (Pirate Of  The Caribbean) , sekemas anak Cina yang selalu datang Nandos dengan baju blazer , sekepala dengan kau kau macam dah hidup 1001 zaman , semanis gula macam favourite Ubai , sesopan pengantin lelaki yang kaver depan Umie mentua , dan sehati sejiwa dengan ParipariSurga . Aku akan cuba jadi semuanya dengan kudrat yang Tuhan bagi .

Dan aku juga , sedang mencari Tuhan dalam dada . Kerana aku belum rasa cantik lagi di mata Dia

June 04, 2011


Aku banyak benda yang hendak diceritakan . Tapi ... Aku penat :( Dari pagi hingga malam aku keluar :P Tapi keluar pun bukan pergi mana . Pergi kenduri sedara aku saja :) 
Penat , memang penatlah tadi .
Walaupun tidak buat pape pun . Hahaha :P Okeyh , esok aku baru cerita semuanya ;) Sekarang aku sudah penatlah :( 

Okeyh guys , Bye bye ~ Tapi , layanlah lagu ni dulu :P Best tak best terpulanglah pada korang , korang yang menilaikannya . Sorry lah kalau lagu ni da lama , aku baru nak 'UP' :)

hebat kan dia cakap ? laju :P mana aku dapat lagu ni pun aku tak tahu . haha .

THE END June 4th 2011

June 02, 2011


SECRET OF UKISS 0330 r²π !

remember what eli said ? (2:53 minutes)
" You and I 우리의 끈 놓지마  
Don’t deny our r²π
내게 와 이제 다 괜찮아  
다시 다시 다 모든걸 시작하는 거야 "
so r² π mean ? 
π = 3.14

And when you remove the decimal point , it’s the scrambled number of 143 , which mean i love you . And r² means you and i or each other . When you apply it to the lyrics of the song . Don’t deny our LOVE FOR EACH OTHER .

ok next !

I would like to share my crazy idea of 0330 drama version .

My 0330 story line start now ! I guess ukiss 0330 mv story line is like . Dongho gf actually not exist at all . She maybe only his imaginary gf or something . But dongho thot she exist and always talk and play piano with her . And then he ignored his members . Eli don't want dongho keep doing all this and want stop him BECAUSE can you imagine what he feel when he saw dongho play piano and talk alone ? GOOD THING finally he realize his gf not exist and back to his members :D 

Still don't get it ? Ok then you can watch this mv first . Don't worry take your time :P

So what do you think ? I'm right ?? hahaha :P
For me this song actually not refer to dongho gf but it's what UKISS members FEEL . Dongho how could you ignored us when you had gf ! That what they feel .

THE END June 2nd 2011

Thai Movie

nampak seram kan ? tapi , tak seram langsung -.-

Synopsis : In this Thai horror , crime reporter Dao has to uncover strange and unexplainable incidents when she receives news from a hospital that her father has been miraculously resurrected from the dead . The eerie part about this is that her father has been dead for over 15 years so what does the caller mean ? Determined to find out the truth , Dao is joined by a police friend , Wut , who both battle the undead while trying to solve the mystery as Dao may as well become the next victim to this deadly event .

Poster nampak seram :) Tapi kenyataannya langsung tak seram -.- cerita bosan ! 

1st sebab aku pilih cerita ni , selalunya movie ber"genre" Horror dari Tanah Bebas (THAILAND) seram . 2nd , poster dia gempak ! So , aku pilih la . Jangan salahkan aku :( 3rd , cerita karak tiada :P

daripada lima bintang , aku bagi 1 . Sorry .

VOICE FROM THE GRAVE ! cehh ~ Ouh lupa , aku tengok cerita ni semalam , June 1st 2011 bersama Hana Farzana ;) 

THE END  June 2nd 2011 

June 01, 2011

Idol ?

Everyone have 'idol' . And this is my idol :) 

 JiYong from Big Bang (fashion)

and .

YoungMin from Boyfriend (hairstyle)

Twin YoungMin , KwangMin :) sama kan ?

THE END  June 1st 2011

Old + New = ?

Orang cakap , ada masalah ada jalan penyelesaiannya . Itu orang yang cakap . Tapi , bagi aku pula bukan semua masalah ada jalan penyelesaian :) Dan bukan semua penyelesaian itu tepat ;) DAPAT ?

Orang cakap , 'nobody perfect' . Okey , dahulu aku sokong ayat tersebut . Tapi sekarang , aku bantah ! Sekarang aku sudah jumpa seorang yang perfect .Okey , sebenarnya dua orang :) Seorang Asia dan seorang Eropah :D 
Korang kenal dengan artis korea Kwon Ji-Yong ? Atau lebih dikenali sebagai G-Dragon ? Ketua kumpulan Big Bang . Seorang fashionable . Seorang penyanyi hip hop (rapper) dan pop . Seorang penulis lirik . Seorang komposer lagu . Dan juga seorang producer . Lengkap ! Dimanakah kekurangan beliau ?
Korang kenal dengan seorang penyanyi muda yang berbakat besar ? Yang telah ditemui di YOUTUBE ? Justin Drew Bieber atau Justin Bieber . Sah , 99.9% yang baca post ni kenal dia -.-" Penyanyi dan penulis lirik , actor (baru lagi) , x-games , guitar , piano , percussion , trumpet . Anak didik USHER ! Kekurangan dia dimana ?

Puas ? Masih ingin percaya dengan kata kata lama ? 2011 . Tahun Baru dan jangan terlalu terikat dengan benda sedia ada . Cuba dan mencuba sesuatu yang baru dan diluar jangkauan kita :)  

THE END June 1st 2011

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