October 31, 2011

Exatream .

Sesiapapun mahukan keputusan yang sangat cemerlang . Bukan sekadar cemerlang sahaja . Dan kebiasaannya mereka akan tetapkan target untuk sesuatu ujian dengan straight A . Ini adalah aktiviti yang sudah menjadi kebiasaan untuk pelajar UPSR , PMR , SPM , STPM dan banyak lagi lah kot .

Sama seperti aku ;
First target 9A+ . Secondly 6A 3B+ . Finally 1A+ 3A 5B+ . It over .
Setelah melihat keputusan pertengahan tahun yang sangat hancur , aku telah menurunkan target aku sendiri . Dan aku turun kan lagi bila aku dapat result percubaan aku sendiri . Hmmmm . sangatlah mengewacakan :( sehingga aku letak target yang rendah .

SPM < 13 hari lagi .Wish me luck for SPM . Thank You Very Much !

p/s : Extreme + Exam = Exatream . None-meaning .

October 30, 2011


video start 1.14  ,

Ohh , you touch my tralala :P Kreatif gila orang yang buat video ni . Tak ramai yang pernah terfikir hendak membuat begini . Tapi , kat dalam bilik lampu 1 tu kalau polis tanya dan kita tak cakap/jawap , kita mesti kena pukul , kene ketok , kene maki . Serius . Aku tak tipu ;]

lagu akhir dalam video tu :P

October 28, 2011

Chapter 1

i confess it . You are the best thing that has EVER stumbled into my life . I don't know what i'd do without you . You're always there for me and you make me smile without intending to . You're so damn cute and i can honestly say i don't want anyone but YOU .

October 20, 2011


Happy Birthday Panda :P Sorry tiada hadiah hari jadi tahun ni dan tahun lepas . Tapi hari lain , minggu lain , bulan lain , mungkin ada . Mana tahu kan ? Nantikan sajalah ye ? Tahun ni busy sikit dengan persiapan SPM (kononnya lah) . Haha , whatever lah .

Yang penting , Muhammad Hasrul Harif Bin Mohd Radzi (940612105***) SAYANG Hana Farzana Binti Fakhrul Anand (951019105***) . Enjoy your 16th's year life :]

#1995 October 19th ; dia suka senyum macam ini :] dan pipi dia tembam .


25 Days
# awesome day , i can't wait for it :)

CODE : 1103 , 1119 , 1223 , 1249 , 1449 , 1511 , 3472 , 3756 , 3757

October 16, 2011

+ shout

January , February , March , April , May , June , July , August , September , October .... 

hurmmm , 2011 telah masuk bulan yang ke-sepuluh ~
satu satu masalah timbul dalam hidup aku :( memang tahun 2011 ini tahun yang malang bagi aku ke ? tahun ni jugalah aku menduduki Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) . Sekarang sudah masuk bulan october (10) , tapi aku ? hurmmm ~ 

baru aku tahu , " lagi lama kita hidup lagi banyak kesusahan dipikul " . bersyukur jugalah aku masih hidup sehingga sekarang . sudah hampir 17 Tahun aku hidup dalam dunia yang dipenuhi pelbagai rintangan perlu ditempuhi . manusia mahupun binatang yang mempunyai semangat yang kuat sahaja dapat meneruskan hidupnya dipentas dunia ini yang digelar BUMI . 

hiduplah dengan gembira didunia ini selagi boleh :) 

p/s : be yourself , make enjoyed !

October 11, 2011


Bila ada sesuatu yang kita nak lepaskan, rasa susah , perit , sakit , then , kita kena buat sesuatu . Aku ada satu otak, otak yang serabut . Serabut nak fikirkan semua benda alah ni . Aku sangat serabut, sampai aku tak tahu apa yang aku nak cakap .

Aku jadi lemah , jadi bodoh . Bukan aku nak jadi bodoh , tapi sebab motherboard badan aku ni dah tak boleh nak berfungsi elok , aku jadi lah macam ni. Bodoh sekali gus , bebal . Nak cari punca masalah , memang tak ah . Aku malas , sebab aku tau , otak kiri kanan aku akan mengecut . Daripada aku ada otak kecil , lagi baik aku ada otak serabut .

Nak sesuatu yang lebih matang . Yang tak kusutkan otak . Tak kacau emosi aku . Aku nak ada seorang dewa , tolong aku . Buat aku senyum . Buat aku ketawa . Kalau dia lagi hebat , dia akan pakai tongkat sakti dia hapuskan masalah aku . Kalau boleh , aku nak dia

Datang dan Pergi !

Apa yang datang , akan pergi macam tu saja . Benda yang dah dapat dekat dalam tangan , kita lepas senang senang je . Benda yang belum confirm kita punya , kita junjung tinggi tinggi , padahal , benda tu 'blah' jugak nanti . Hidup macam ni , aku dah penat . Aku nak hidup lebih stabil . Kadang kadang perlu juga insan bernama "perempuan" . Tapi aku nak berdiri sendiri . Berdiri dengan usaha sendiri . So , apa apa jadi , kita tetap kena move on . Jalan sorang sorang bukan susah . Kan ? Err .

tapi , aku memang memerlukan kau :(

October 08, 2011

Don't touch my girl !

YOU are my girlfriend ! Everyone can't touch on you !

Korean Translation

You’re my lady
You’re my lady
You’re my lady…with you

작은게 뭐 어때 짧으면 어때
괜찮아 괜찮아 꽃보단 너야
예쁘다 예쁘다 남들 보다
속눈썹도 길고 똥배도 귀여워

예쁘다 하니 예뻐 졌나봐
괜찮다 하니 바람 났나봐
다가 아냐 Ha!
끝난 게 아냐 Ha!
헤어진 게 아니야

Hey yo, 안 되는게 딱 하나 있어
못 참는게 딱 하나 있어
너잖아 알잖아 투명한
내 여자 손 대지 마

나만 나만 나만 보던 your eyes
속눈썹에 빠져 버린 your man
오는 길 알잖아 나 여기있어

(You’re my lady)
Tic Toc 우리의 시간은 멈추고 고 고
(You’re my lady)
talk talk 단 한 마디만 더 더
(You’re my lady.. with you)

원래 없던 것처럼
괜찮은 것처럼
그렇게 난 지낼 수 없어 No No No

웃긴다 하니 장난 치나봐
잘한다 하니 놀래키나 봐
재미 없어 Ha!
감동도 없어 Ha!
이러는 거 아니야

Hey yo, 안 되는게 딱 하나 있어
못 참는게 딱 하나 있어
너잖아 알잖아 투명한
내 여자 손 대지 마

나만 나만 나만 보던 your eyes
속눈썹에 빠져 버린 your man
오는 길 알잖아 나 여기있어

네게 이쁜 거짓말들만 늘어놨더니
거짓말처럼 넌 사라졌잖아 (You are my girl)
그리움에 또 하루를 지켜
니가 오는 그 날까지 버텨
편히 오게 해 주고 싶어

Hey yo, 별 일 없는 척 하고 있어
변함 없는 척 하고 있어
올거라 믿잖아 누구도
내 여자 손 대지 마

나만 나만 나만 보던 your eyes
속눈썹에 빠져 버린 your man
오는 길 알잖아 나 여기있어

She’s a liar 안 떠난다 했잖아요
좋았던 것들만 난 기억나요 왜요
그댄 어딘가요 난 여기 있잖아요
떠나지 마요 어떻게 해야 살 수 있나요

가지 마요 날 아프게 하지 마요
가슴이 아파 와 버틸 수가 없잖아요
거짓말 이라고 장난 이었다고
빨리 말해요.. 제발
You’re my lady
You’re my lady
You’re my lady with you

What’s wrong with being small, what’s wrong with being short
It’s okay, it’s okay, It’s you over flowers
You’re pretty, pretty, than others
You have long eyelashes and you’re belly is cute

Cause I said you’re pretty, I really think you got pretty
Cause I said it’s okay, I really think you’re cheating on me
That’s not it, ha
that’s not the end, ha
W’e’re not over

Hey yo, there’s one thing that is not okay
There’s one thing I cannot tolerate
It’s you, you know it,
don’t touch my girl who is pure

Your eyes that only looked at me
Your man who fell for your eyelashes
You know the way back, I’m right here

(You’re My Lady)
Tic toc, our time has stopped
(You’re My Lady)
Talk talk, one more word
(You’re My Lady… with you)

As if it never existed
As if it’s okay
I can’t live like that, no no no

Cause I said it’s funny, I think you’re playing
Cause I said you’re really good at it,
I think you’re gonna surprise me
It’s not fun ha,
not impressive ha
You shouldn’t do this

Hey yo, there’s one thing that is not okay
There’s one thing I cannot tolerate
It’s you, you know it,
don’t touch my girl who is pure

Your eyes that only looked at me
Your man who fell for your eyelashes
You know the way back, I’m right here

I told you pretty lies and now
you disappeared like a lie (You are my girl)
I keep up today with my longing for you
I’m going to last till the day you come
I want you to come back easily

Hey yo, act like there’s nothing big going on
Act like you haven’t changed
You know you’re gonna come back
Don’t touch my girl

Your eyes that only looked at me
Your man who fell for your eyelashes
You know the way back, I’m right here

She’s a liar, you said you weren’t gonna leave
Why do I only remember the good memories?
Where are you? I’m right here
Don’t leave

What should I do to live?
Don’t leave, don’t make me suffer in pain
My heart aches, I can’t endure this
Please tell me now that it was a lie, a joke

How to make google beatbox

2) Set the translator to translate German to English

3) Copy + paste the following into the translate box: pv zk pv pv zk pv zk kz zk pv pv pv zk pv zk zk pzk pzk pvzkpkzvpvzk kkkkkk bsch

4) Click the listen button

5) Be amazed =)

October 03, 2011


What is 'Beautiful' ?

Aku suka akan video ni . Style . Unique . Creative . Funny . About lifestyle . Aku sangat suka walaupun ringkas .

Beautiful is a letter , B.E.A.U.TI.F.U.L :) And it's YOU !

October 02, 2011



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