December 28, 2010

China Movie


Actually this is very nice movie ,
got few weakness existed even thou this movie use a lot of jokes to cover up.

In Malaysia ,
this Movie had been edited with other voices and speakers .
And the voice is so not originated by the actor and actress.

This Movie ,
use alot of Actor / Actress which is not mention in Trailer and Poster and the storyline is not Perfect at all .
And good thing about this Movie they had used Taiwan / China / Singapore and Hong Kong Actor. (Where is Malaysian ?)
hahaha :P

Due to this Movie is Made in China ,
a lot of China Website seems to appear some links that can download Movie First before Malaysia launch the Movie .

My Rate for this Movie is 6.5/10 due to Story line is not perfect .

Worth to watch this Movie ,
don't feel bad about my rating ,
you should watch it by yourself too .

p/s : all word with italic i just copy and paste :P
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