September 07, 2010

Florida Church Plans 'Burn a Quran' Day on 9/11

All existing religions are rupturing their basic doctrine of understanding and brotherhood, continuing the saga of violence and hatred. However, won't the 'Burn a Quran Day' ruin the peace and harmony and generate communal hatred?

An evangelical church in Gainesville Florida has called for all Christians to protest against Islam by inviting everyone to burn a Quran on the anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, which falls on September 11.

This ideologically hostile call by this church has been condemned by Christians, Hindus, Jews and people from all walks of life.

This solitary call by the church will foster increased distrust and hatred across religions. Moderate Muslims and reformists will view this as a counter move in their attempt to bridge the borders between their more aggressive brothers.

This event, if held, will instigate the fanatic Muslims who will view this as another insult to their religion and may also hurt the sentiments of millions of Muslims. Instead, the church should encourage understanding and brotherhood among various religions, as only understanding will heal and eventually lead to peace co-existence of all religions.

If we are mute spectators while Quran is burned, tomorrow, other scriptures will be handed the same fate and the chain of hatred will grow stronger and stronger and this kind of hate should be nipped in the bud. Why did they decide to celebrate Quran Burning Day? Who attacked the WTC towers? Terrorists or Muslims? The church should answer.

No religion is greater or lesser, or good or bad. No religion is “flawed” only man's perception of it is flawed. Any religion that has survived so many years and is still flourishing has to have added something of value to people practicing it which makes it special and unique to them.

Religion is part of a person's identity, and offending it in any form is insensitive and inhumane. World leaders are trying to demystify Islam-phobia and nourish religious tolerance and peace, burning the Quran will only degenerate their efforts. All actions should be progressive, not regressive and painful.

Jesus said “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” [Matthew 7:12] He meant all that is good, not setting off firecrackers of antagonism, which may go on forever.

Contributed by Sree Valli (

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