September 29, 2010


hari ini hari yg aku nantikan sbb hari niy la dpt barang yg aku nk .
tpi , smue tu terCANCEL plak ,
ishh ~

sbb ape pon aku tak tahu ,
orang berkenaan ckp ,
dye terdelay nk bgy barang aku tu -.-"
saked hati pon ade jugak la ~ !!

tpi ape leh buat ,
terima la seada nya .
terpakse aku tggu lagi ~~
ishh !

bile la baru aku dpt barang aku ,
ngok betol la ~

September 24, 2010

24 Hour ~

ishh , ari niy 24 jam aku kne ceramah ngan mak aku je ~
dari aku nk pergi skola ,
then balek skola ,
petang ,
malam ,
time nk tydo pon kene jgk ~

perhhh ,
ta tahan siot -.-"
asl tetibe aku kne ceramah 24 jam pon aku ta tau ~
ape yg aku da buad pon aku ta tau ~
ishhh ~ !!

malang betol !

September 23, 2010

♥ ♥ ♥

saya sayang awak

kamek sayang kitak

i love you



wo ai ni

te quiero

ich liebe dich

chan rak khun

je t'adore

ti amo

aku tresnasliramu

Волим те

Ljubim te

mein ap say muhabat karti hoon

ek het jou lief

ana baħibbik


të dua



Ik hou van u

saya mencintaimu

p/s : for she , hana farzana

September 21, 2010

2nd Days At SCHOOL :)

now mata dah mengantuk gilaaa but my hands gatal-gatal nak taip entry nih , haha .
hari nih kat skolah , err boleh tahan lahh . mood pon still RAYE lagi . hahah .
ramai la gak cikgu tego tdi . hee .

homeworks ? cikgu ta nak check 1 pon . hahaha .
so , tade la kene mara kalo ta siap . selamat lagi . hahaha ~~ XP
lagipon homework paling banyak pon akaun je la . tdi kat skola da buat . nak print , tpi mahal sampai 50sen sekeping -.-" cekik darah gile la . ishhh ~ !!

nak print kat rumah , ink plak tade .
nk beli in mahal la plak ~ ishhh ishh ~
tpi kalo ta buad tade markah SPM , bahaye tuu ~ !!
terpakse la beli ink and print out sendiri , pakai duit sendiri :(

abes duit raye yang aku dapat ~ !!
HAHAHA ~~ (oke ta lawak)
malam niy mesti siap sepenuh nye akaun aku ,
esok anta kat cikgu , bia dye check .
dan dpt balik , repair kesalahan :D

abes pasal homework dan akaun ,
time balik plak ~
tetibe plak ujan lebat , terpakse la stop lu kat tempat yang ta kene ujan ~
lme jgk la , nk tunggu ujan reda .
da agak agak reda , bru la pulang ke rumah .
tpi singgah TS (the store je) jap ~ hahah
fadel nk tuka game dye , niy lagi satu hal .
lame gile nk tuka , ngok punye pekerje -.-"

lepas tu , baru la kami pulang kerumah walaupun masih ujan ~
bez la jgk , sejuk je ~

ehh ari niy UPSR ke ? haha aku tak tahu lah pulak . goodluck lah kpd budak-budak darjah 6 this year , buat yg terbaikkk ye dekk ? hee


September 19, 2010

Gelajat Sehari Sebelum Sekolah (lps raye)

hahhh ,
kelam kabut semue crik keje skola , hahaha ~~
tanye sane tanye sini ,
mmg mengelabah habis la sehari sebelom skola niy !
tu la , org da ckp buad keje skola dlu bru maen .
hang degil ,
skg , padan muke la ~ hahaha -.-"

almaklum la , skola lpas raye .
mmg sah la malas gile nk g .

shit la , asl tetibe esk kne skola ,
buat la cuti panjang agy , ta puas agi nk bercuti niy ..
malas gle aku nk g skola esk -.-'
rambot pon ta potong agy ,
argghhh !!

bukan manusie je au yg malas ,
beruang pon sme ,
so , jangan la ckp yg manusie selalu malas ..
beruang niy pon sme .
da ade bukti kan ~ hahaha :)

oke la ,
aku nk wat hw ,
bdk bdk kelas aku cme ckp ade hw B.I ngan ADD MATH ~
aku pon nk check la , betol ke ade . hahaha ~~ XP


September 18, 2010

2 3 hari skola , .....

menjelang beberapa hari lagi sudah mula sesi persekolahan . bez nye g skola , dapat jumpe membe . yg ta bez , kne blaja -.-"
ade la beberape subject yg bez blaja , tpi cikgu plak aja ta bez ~ !! ishh .
ta puas betol la cuti 2 minggu , cube la tmbah agy 2 mnggu . bru seronok . hahah ~~ XP

selepas beraya umah org , g open house dan cukop letih la buad semue bende tu , tpi bez laa ~~ hahaha . kenyang betol aku :D
tpi ta byk la umah yg aku pegi :( hahaha

smpai skg gamba raye 2010 ta msok msok agy dlm komputer aku , hahaha . bru nk masok an je , ade je org nk gne kamere , ishhh -.-"

seronok da abes , skg start blaja . PMR lagi bpe mnggu je , aku da ambek da , so nk wat pe aku risau , hahaha ~~ XP . tumpu kan sepenoh perhatian pade SPM , tpi tahun depan . subject yg perlu diberi perhatian ADD MATH , AKAUN , EKONOMI , hahaha ~ tpi yg laen pon kne la blaja gak ! :D

September 14, 2010


mne cabel kamere aku niy -___-
da penat aku crik .
mcm mne aku nk ambek gmba dri kamere niy ~~ !!
ouhhh shitttt ~

card reader aku pon ilang ~
bgs btol , time time cam niy dye nk ilang plak !!

nasib nasib :(

September 13, 2010

urmmm ...

selamat hari raya ku ucapan walaupon da raye ke 3 . hahaha ~~
raye tahun ta semeriah mcm tahun lepas la :( bosan je ~ haha . duit raye pon ta dpt ~ hahaha ~~ XP

SELAMAT HARI RAYA MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN yg ikhlas dari muhammad hasrul harif ~

September 08, 2010

2 hari lagi !

sehari lagi sebelum raye .
smue org da anta ucapan "selamat hari raya :D"
ta saba betol dorang nk raye , hahaha ~~ XP
da 28 1/2 hari puasa telah berlalu , tggal sehari lagi je ~
dan ....

"BERAYA LA KITE !! SELEPAS 30 HARI PUASA (bgy yg puase penoh sahaja)"
boom boom kebaboom , bunyi mercun !
haha ~~ XD

ucapan paling "FEMES" tahun niy :

September 07, 2010

Florida Church Plans 'Burn a Quran' Day on 9/11

All existing religions are rupturing their basic doctrine of understanding and brotherhood, continuing the saga of violence and hatred. However, won't the 'Burn a Quran Day' ruin the peace and harmony and generate communal hatred?

An evangelical church in Gainesville Florida has called for all Christians to protest against Islam by inviting everyone to burn a Quran on the anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, which falls on September 11.

This ideologically hostile call by this church has been condemned by Christians, Hindus, Jews and people from all walks of life.

This solitary call by the church will foster increased distrust and hatred across religions. Moderate Muslims and reformists will view this as a counter move in their attempt to bridge the borders between their more aggressive brothers.

This event, if held, will instigate the fanatic Muslims who will view this as another insult to their religion and may also hurt the sentiments of millions of Muslims. Instead, the church should encourage understanding and brotherhood among various religions, as only understanding will heal and eventually lead to peace co-existence of all religions.

If we are mute spectators while Quran is burned, tomorrow, other scriptures will be handed the same fate and the chain of hatred will grow stronger and stronger and this kind of hate should be nipped in the bud. Why did they decide to celebrate Quran Burning Day? Who attacked the WTC towers? Terrorists or Muslims? The church should answer.

No religion is greater or lesser, or good or bad. No religion is “flawed” only man's perception of it is flawed. Any religion that has survived so many years and is still flourishing has to have added something of value to people practicing it which makes it special and unique to them.

Religion is part of a person's identity, and offending it in any form is insensitive and inhumane. World leaders are trying to demystify Islam-phobia and nourish religious tolerance and peace, burning the Quran will only degenerate their efforts. All actions should be progressive, not regressive and painful.

Jesus said “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” [Matthew 7:12] He meant all that is good, not setting off firecrackers of antagonism, which may go on forever.

Contributed by Sree Valli (

Countdown RAYA ~~

September 04, 2010


lps saho aku da ta leh tido ~ !!
ta tau la asl --' tpi ngantok gle , bile baring je mate tros cerah ~ !! hahaha XP ~~
pelik betol laa ~

so , aku pun bkk la facebook . tgk yg on 5 org je ~ tros aku log out . hahaha
bosan gle la ta tydo ~
nk tydo ta boleh --' derite nye ari niy !!
hahaha ~~ XP

kalo aku dpt tydo mcm dlm gamba niy an bez ~~ !!
tydo di awan , lembut nye ~~ mmg seronok abes :D
perhh , nyenyak nye dye tido ~~
ishh ~~ !! hahaha X3 ~~

September 03, 2010

GD ~~ ♥♥♥

p/s : dgn smua gmba niy bukan mengatakan aku GAY ok !!!



少年よ (A YO)



Ramadhan to the ..... !

da 23th ramadhan , lagi bape hari lagi nk RAYA :D ~~ ta saba betol raye tahun niy :) tpi aku 1 baju raye pon ta beli lagi , hahaha --'
esk hari yg ke 24 aku puasa , setakat niy tade tinggal lagi , hahahaha ~~ !! XP
24 hari jgk setan telah bercuti dari bertugas ~
seperti didalam gamba ini :

aku paling ske gamba niy ~~
like like like , hahaha :D ske btol aku , yela an aku sokong CHELSEA , so tade setan kat lmbang dye . Man Utd ade ~ selama niy setan sentiada bersama Man Utd kemana jua ~ !! hahahaha ~~ XP
kalo korang benci kan Man Utd , bermakna korang bencikan setan skali :)
kalo korang ske Man Utd , bermakna korang ske setan :D
hahahaha ~~ !!!

p/s : maaf kepada peminat MANCHESTER UNITED :) , sempena bulan baek hari baek , korang maafkan la aku ! :D

New Life !

da lme betol aku tggal kan bende 'alah' niy ~ maklumla bzey je setiap hari ~ hahaha --' last aku bukak blog niy bulan May (5) . skg da bulan September (9) . da puasa ~~ da nk dekat raye ~~ !! hahaha XP .mmg lame gle la aku ta bkk , ishh ~~ !! byk pkare tentang blog niy aku da lpe ~ hahaha --' tpi aku berusaha nk ingt balek !
Setelah aku abes godam blog niy , bru aku tau blek ~ hahaha .

Sempena bertemakan "NEW LIFE!" aku nk buad mcm aku bru buad ini blog !! yela an , da bpe lme aku tggal an (9 - 5 = 4 bulan) blog niy ~ ta kan nk sambong . ta menarik la , da lme menghlang tetibe wujud semule --' kan pelik ~ hahaha .
so , bermula dri sekarang BLOGSPOT ni telah dlahirkan semula ~ !!
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