January 03, 2011

School 2011

Wahh !!
school time bebeh :D haha
like i expected , my life in holiday such is SAME everyday .
Eat-sleep-msj-tv-hang out .
it go day by day until the last of it , YESTERDAY.
hahahaha :P

well first thing , maybe aku jarang on . so maybe aku tahu pekare terkini :P
so stalkers , im sory for my away if too long .
im sorry ^^

Enjoy the moment in school guys :D

hmm second thing , happy schooling guys ^^
well it seem ramai yg tak suka sekolah telah bermula .
tapi ada jgk yang suka sekolah bermula .
but for me ? tah la MACAM excited ? MACAM tak ?
hahaha . nonsense . i just like to schooling more .
because in school there is everything .
no need to worry about money . just study study & study .
right ? hee :)

well nothing much to said ,
i spent ALL my duit simpanan in this 1 month half holiday .
Damn it ! rm500 split just like that is a month and half. im sory mom :(
but nevermind , i'll try to save more money this year :)

Farewell my friends, do take care :)

ohh ya before i forget ,
kepada kawan2 yang akan pergi asrama penuh ,
moga Allah sentiasa bersama korang ,
aku kat sini sentiasa doakan kejayaan , kebahagiaan & kesihatan korang .
yang sama umur dengan aku lak ,
nanti korang mesti ta balik KL time cuti sem kan ?
so aku nk ucapkan selamat maju jaya ,
study smart , and let's do the best for this SPM 2011 !
ohh yeahhh , i love that spirit. thanks god.
aminnn ya rabbal alaminn :)

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