January 29, 2011

bus bas bus -.-

hari ni aku ada kelas akaun !

dan sekarang aku masih dibustop -.-"

dah nak 1 jam aku tggu bas ! -.-"

** kejadian pada 7:50 am !

January 28, 2011

Acc Class 2 .

esk ade klas acc ~ !!

okeyh , bole dimaafkan , sbb aku pun nk ambek SPM kan tahun ni :p

hahaha ~

so ,

esok pukol 7.45 pagi mesti ada kat sekolah ,

kot ! ahahah :P

29 January 2011

January 27, 2011


yeah ~ new malay ghost movie :D

ohh yaa this story i watched it on 26th december 2010 .
i watched this with Hana Farzana

so cerita khurafat eh ?

Dream among a Dream. that is how the movie goes -.-

well this movie is malay movie. plus it is malay ghost movie .

so when u ask me about malay ghost movie . im totally will said ,"SUCK"
first i think this Malay ghost movie can be developed to international stage .

so this movie comment ? well , i click the same
answer .
SUCK ! hahahaha :p

well actually the part where i said SUCK is the story line .
plus the ghost we can predict when it will come out .
so i was like, "SHIT" -.- hahahaha

overall ? 3/10


The Date To Remember

outing with Hana Farzana ~ !!
hahaha :p

January 26, 2011




Thank you for you sharing

the Joy of Prosperity
with those in need

this festive season .
With your
Prosperity Meal
purchase , 10 cents
will be donated to
your local charity ,
and will go a long way
to putting a smile
on the faces of others .

i'm lovin' it

January 25, 2011

What is ...









~~~ ?

p/s : that is PROSPERITY

jeng jeng ~

bermain gitar ditepi pantai ~
sambil ditiupi angin yang sedang-sedang (tak kuat tak slow) ~

rambut pula bertembangan ditiup angin pantai ~

FUHH ~ !!

best sial dapat macam tu ~ !!
tapi malangnya rumah aku jauh dari pantai :(
tak nampak pantai pun , hahaha :P
sangat mengecewakan :'( :P hahaha

p/s :
aku tidak memaksudkan "main gitar tepi pantai" tu bermain lagu jiwang !
harap maklum :D

aku benci akan lagu jiwang , lagi lagi melayu ! :)

January 24, 2011

Think ?

i think i can .
i think i can .

i think i can .

i know i can .

ignite positive from within myself ~ !! hee :D

January 23, 2011

relex !

yeahh ~ !!
hari AHAD , cuti umum :D
tapi ada juga yang bekerja untuk mendapat wang ~
walaupun malas , tapi mereka terpaksa melawan perasaan malas itu ;)

hari minggu kan , memang masa yang cukup terluang :D
banyak aktiviti boleh dibuat .
seperti , bermain bersama anak-anak , bershopping , menonton wayang , tidur :P dan banyak lagi lah ~

tapi paling seronok adalah bersantai . hahaha :P
relex je ~ !!

nikmatilah keindahan bersama orang tersayang ;)

January 20, 2011

Kelakuan .


aktiviti 1/20/2010
, akuuu keluarrr ~~ !!

dan balik rumah , mesej tak lame mane pon dan aku buat homework kejap !!
dan dan dan ~~


has cured

yeahhh , rase gembire betol bile da sembuh dari demam ~ !!
hahah :P

time demam tu rase nk mati je ~

menyeksakan betol !!
ishhhh DASYAT ~ !! hahah :P

selama 3 hari berturut turut aku demam ,

dan hari ke 2 aku demam paling teruk -.-"

shit !! menyampah sial demam !!

dah lame aku tak demam , tetibe je kene demam !!

urghhh !!
tpi , sekarang dah okey !! aku kembali cergas seperti biasa :D:D

yeah yeahh , lagi 1 ..

aku baru tahu kalau korang batok , korang tapayah carik ubat batuk .

korang beli je chocolate :D

tapi pasti kan chocolate , bukan gula-gula :D

chocolate dapat kurang kan batuk ;)

January 18, 2011

first fever 2011 :[

taken about an hour ago .
I stayed home from outing today and slept . A lot ~ !!
back from school , i go room and slept :( something i messages with she .

my normal temperature is usually in the low 36.8 °C or high 37 °C

(compared to 37.0 °C which is supposed to be normal) so 38.7 °C is a high to moderate fever for me .

No clue what my body is trying to fight off .
i hope it's just a little bug , and that i don't have
West Nile or something insane like that :)

The median daytime temperature among healthy adults are as follows :
  • Temperature in the anus (rectum/rectal), vagina, or in the ear (otic) is about 37.6 °C (99.7 °F)
  • Temperature in the mouth (oral) is about 36.8 °C (98.2 °F)
  • Temperature under the arm (axillary) is about 36.4 °C (97.6 °F)

January 17, 2011

a mystery ...

there's something i want to tell you ,

Despite it all of the mysteries may be resolved .
But , there are certain things that should remain a mystery in this world . This mystery is better off being an unresolved mystery"

p/s :
just believe in yourself ;)

January 16, 2011

This You !!

"Your current conditions do not reflect your ultimate potential , but rather the size and quality of goals upon which you are currently focusing"

- Unknown

BM !

BM BM BM BM ~ !!

sesiapa ada rangka karangan SPM 2010 ? (mungkin)

soalan : "seorang ibu dapat menjaga 10 orang anak tetapi 10 orang anak belum tentu dapat menjaga seorang ibu"

Situasi seperti diatas seharusnya tidak berlaku dalam sesebuah masyarakat .
tanggungjawab yang sepatutnya dilakukan oleh anak-anak kepada ibubapa .

seperti biasa , karangan anda hendaklah melebihi 360 80 patah perkataan !!

come on ~ don't stingy !!

hahaha :P

January 12, 2011

necessary ?


what ~~ !?

people who have confidence in yourself 100% don't be embarrassed when he are in front of many people .
but , many people who have a strong shyness .
however , in the world many people have a strong sense of shame more than not ashamed .

urmmm , what is shy ? and why there ashamed ??

January 10, 2011


"Success and failure are not overnight experiences : It's all the small decisions along the way that cause people to fail or succeed."

- Unknown


"Most people who want to get ahead do it backward . They think , 'I'll get a bigger job , then I'll learn how to be a leader' . But showing leadership skill is how you get the bigger job in the first place . Leadership isn't a position , it's a process ."

- John C. Maxwell

January 09, 2011

you :')

yeahh , this song only for you ! specially for you !

yes , you

imissyousomuch sayang ~ !!

January 08, 2011

Wau CHINA !! :O

ini adalah kisah benar di mana membuktikan betapa hebatnya kasih sayang seorang ibu kepada anaknya .
"Kisah berlaku semasa kejadian gempa bumi yang melanda China tahun lalu di mana seorang ibu telah mengorbankan nyawa sendiri demi menyelamatkan insan yang dipanggil anak"

p/s : from Oh! Tidak :P

Classes .

yeah , today is Saturday . i want to sleep and sleep ~

but i must go to school .
becoz , this day has an additional class for accounting principles ~
SPM kan :P

so ,
with a somewhat faded eyes , i go to the bus stop -.-"
I'm waiting very long at bus stops , but no bus came ..
hahaha ~

start class at 8.15 am and end at 10.00 am :D
only 6 men who were attended .
where are the others ? -.-

January 03, 2011

School 2011

Wahh !!
school time bebeh :D haha
like i expected , my life in holiday such is SAME everyday .
Eat-sleep-msj-tv-hang out .
it go day by day until the last of it , YESTERDAY.
hahahaha :P

well first thing , maybe aku jarang on . so maybe aku tahu pekare terkini :P
so stalkers , im sory for my away if too long .
im sorry ^^

Enjoy the moment in school guys :D

hmm second thing , happy schooling guys ^^
well it seem ramai yg tak suka sekolah telah bermula .
tapi ada jgk yang suka sekolah bermula .
but for me ? tah la MACAM excited ? MACAM tak ?
hahaha . nonsense . i just like to schooling more .
because in school there is everything .
no need to worry about money . just study study & study .
right ? hee :)

well nothing much to said ,
i spent ALL my duit simpanan in this 1 month half holiday .
Damn it ! rm500 split just like that is a month and half. im sory mom :(
but nevermind , i'll try to save more money this year :)

Farewell my friends, do take care :)

ohh ya before i forget ,
kepada kawan2 yang akan pergi asrama penuh ,
moga Allah sentiasa bersama korang ,
aku kat sini sentiasa doakan kejayaan , kebahagiaan & kesihatan korang .
yang sama umur dengan aku lak ,
nanti korang mesti ta balik KL time cuti sem kan ?
so aku nk ucapkan selamat maju jaya ,
study smart , and let's do the best for this SPM 2011 !
ohh yeahhh , i love that spirit. thanks god.
aminnn ya rabbal alaminn :)

January 02, 2011

Let's start new life .

Let's start our new life :)
Ohh ya, setiap tahun baru mestilah kena ada permulaan yang baru kan ?
aku ada satu ayat yang memang aku nak pegang untuk tahun 2011 ni
:) (aku tgk dlm cite ape tah) :P

" A Past Through from the past , A Past is still the past . Change it ? Too late.
A Future Will be in the future, A Future is still a future. Change it ? Let's go ! "
- Muhammad HASRUL HARIF :)

My 2011, New Year Resolution

  • Success in SPM 2011 , 4A+ 3A 2A-
  • Study Smart & Discipline in study
  • Improves my Faith, More To Allah S.W.T
  • Be a Loyal & Sweet person to someone that i Love
  • 5 NO - PLEASE for 2011
My 5 NO - PLEASE :
- NO more hang out PLEASE
- NO sleep in class PLEASE
- NO skipping tuisyen class PLEASE (if i join)
- NO more playing like child when study PLEASE

Insya-Allah i will do this all thing with all my will .
may god bless me, may god bless my family .
All my hope, all my Future, it depends on God .
im praying for you, same goes to you :)
Marilah Menadah tangan bersamaku ,
dan lafazkan doa ini bersama sama :')

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim . Ya Allah ya tuhanku,
Ampuni dosa-dosa ku yang telahku lakukan selama tahun 2010 ,
Kau bukakanlah pintu hatiku dan berikanlah hidayat dan petunjuk padaku ,
pada tahun yang baru ini , dan pada harapan baru yang telah kuharapkan ini,
moga kau berkatkanlah hidupku dan halalkan lah rezeki ku,
ku mohon ampun dan restu darimu,
supaya menyelamatkan keluargaku, rakan ku dan sesiapa yang mengenali ku,
supaya mereka berjaya dalam hidup dan selamat dari malapetaka.
Hanya engkau penentu takdir, hanya engkau penentu hidupku dan mereka .
Engkaulah tuhan segala alam ya allah . aminn ya rabbal alaminn

January 01, 2011

goodbye 2010 , hello 2011

Ladies and Gentleman

Tik tak tik tak tik tak ,
poof ! 2011 arrive babe :)

well a lot of thing happen in 2010 .

bad happy sad good enjoy study exam

a lot of thing had happen in my life of 2010 .

what a year what a year .

really give me a lot of experience .

not only in love , study , talking , acting and lot lot more .

What should i said ? Gona miss 2010 ? yes i am :)
but what to do, life must go on :D

so at this moment we just can said ,

goodbye 2010
, and hello 2011 ! :)

New Year : New Day : New Life !

New Year guys .
well, time just
walking like dat .
damn fucking fast .
i'm 17 !
but not today , wait 12 june ,
dat so
damn long -.-"

hey dude ,
wana know ,

i got a
new courage for 2010,
let me put in the list .

Play Hard For F4
Rich of Friends
Loved by Bestie
Be a Nice n Lovely guy ;p
Good Husband ! ;D
hahahah :P

nway , Happy New Year guys .
wish u all
luck in ur life .
just till now then ,

chiao ~

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